Do and Don’ts After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Do and Don'ts After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

January 1, 2023  | IN BLOG

Wisdom teeth erupt between the age of 17 and 25. When it does not have space to develop, it leads to many problems. Did you know 90% of individuals don’t have enough room in their mouth for wisdom teeth? If you have extensive decay, cyst, or gum disease, wisdom teeth removal treatment is necessary. But it is also essential to follow post-surgery care tips to ensure a successful recovery and minimize complications.

After Your Wisdom Teeth Extraction, Do’s

Below are the precautions to follow after wisdom teeth removal:


Dental Hygiene

Sticking to good oral hygiene is crucial after wisdom tooth pulling. The day after the surgery, the dentist near you will recommend washing your mouth 5 to 6 times a day after meals. You can brush your teeth but be gentle around the extracted area. Also, it is essential to use salt water solution to maintain cleanliness in your mouth.


It is normal to feel redness or slight bleeding around the area. But putting a gauze pad is necessary if you see excess bleeding. Make sure you bite on it gently for half an hour.

But if you see it continuing, bite on the moist tea bag again for half an hour. The best way to reduce bleeding after wisdom tooth removal is to sit upright and refrain from exercising. If all these remedies fail, contact our dental clinic immediately.


Swelling around the cheeks, eyes, mouth, and sides of the face is common. Applying ice can help with swelling. If you notice green, black, blue, or yellow discoloration, don’t worry. It is common. You can apply moist heat over it to get relief.


Following surgery, the pain should decrease with time. If you feel unbearable pain, you can take the prescribed pain relievers as directed by your doctor. If the pain continues, get in touch with the dentist at StarWhite Dental without delay.


Prioritize soft foods because they are rich in proteins and calories. Also, they will not irritate the surgical area after treatment. Try to take 5 to 6 glasses of liquids every day. It will help you stay hydrated and recover fast. Soft food varieties include smoothies, soups, pudding, cottage cheese, etc. As you start healing, you can transition slowly to hard foods.


While trying to sleep, elevate your head with the support of a pillow at night. It will encourage clotting and minimize swelling. Prefer sleeping on your side rather than your back.


Drinking Alcohol and Smoking

Cut off alcohol and smoking use for at least 24 hours following surgery. It will prevent delayed healing.


When taking beverages, do not use a straw or slurp too harshly till the wound gets completely healed. Avoid taking foods that are not easy to chew and that will disturb the blood clot or stitches. These foods are extremely hot, hard, or crunchy foods. The list incorporates seeds, nuts, hard meat, etc. Always chew from the opposite side of the surgical area.


After the wisdom tooth extraction, do not perform strenuous activities for 48- 72 hours. The wound left behind after the operation can take a few months to heal fully. Therefore, take care of yourself and refrain from activities that could dislodge the blood clot over the wound or stitches.

Oral Hygiene

Avoid washing your mouth too harshly. When brushing, avoid spitting the paste out of your mouth. Doing this will disturb the healing and may cause more bleeding. If the clot gets dislodged, you may experience the condition known as a dry socket. You can get it in only one wound or all wounds. After eating, use warm water with one teaspoon of salt as a mouthwash to minimize gum inflammation and soreness.

Driving and Working

Do not drive for a minimum of one day if the professional has used a sedative. However, when it comes to general anesthesia, you should avoid it for at least 48 hours. The expert will also instruct you to take a few days off from your work.


If you face nausea, avoid taking anything in your mouth for at least one hour following the procedure.

What Else Should I Know About Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

If you choose sedation dentistry besides nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas), you will not be able to drive yourself home from your procedure. Instead, you must arrange for a friend or family member to transport you home. But if you encounter any problems with your sedation medication, get help if you need it.

Dental Implants

A Dental implant is a tooth made of a titanium post with a replacement tooth (crown) attached to the top. Dental implants can replace a single tooth, several teeth, anchor a dental bridge, or a full arch of teeth.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you’ve been told that you need to have one or more of your wisdom teeth removed by our dentist, you may be wondering, especially if you are not currently experiencing any painful symptoms. So, if you want your wisdom teeth removal visit StarWhite Dental.