Wisdom Teeth:  Signs It’s Time to Have Them Checked

Wisdom Teeth: Signs It’s Time to Have Them Checked

February 10, 2021  | IN WISDOM TEETH

For some people, Wisdom teeth can cause a lot of problems. Others may never see a problem with their wisdom teeth at all. Wisdom teeth only start to emerge around age 17, and when they come in, there’s a chance they may become “impacted,” which means that they only partially erupt through the gum line—or not at all. When this happens, it can lead to severe dental problems.

That’s why it’s important to recognize the signs that your wisdom teeth are starting to come in. While annual X-rays can show evidence of wisdom teeth long before they come in, there’s no way to fully know how they’ll affect the rest of your teeth until they erupt.

By knowing the signs to look for, your dentist can examine your wisdom teeth and decide if you need to have them removed by an oral surgeon.

Here are five signs it’s time to have your wisdom teeth examined:

1.) Gum Irritation

When your wisdom teeth start to emerge, you’ll probably feel minor irritation and swelling behind your second molars. The discomfort will vary from person to person—some people won’t feel it at all!

2.) Reddened Gums

In addition to potential discomfort, your gums will likely start to darken, sometimes becoming quite red, as your wisdom teeth erupt. Don’t worry—it’s most likely just another sign of gum irritation.

3.) Jaw Pain

For most people, the jaw pain associated with wisdom teeth will feel like a dull ache towards the back of their jaw. For other people, though, that pain can be more pronounced. This pain can make it difficult to open your mouth or even talk if it’s severe enough.

4.) Bad Taste in the Mouth or Bad Breath

If you suddenly develop bad breath or have a persistent bad taste in your mouth, it’s probably a sign that you have some bacteria associated with your teeth. Because emerging wisdom teeth are difficult to clean, trapped food and plaque can promote bacterial infections. If you experience this, you should immediately schedule an appointment with your dentist.

5.) White Spots

If you see white spots on your gums behind your second molars, these are most likely the tops of your wisdom teeth breaking through the skin of your gums. That’s when you know it’s time to call your dentist.

If you notice any of these signs, you should contact your dentist and have them examine your wisdom teeth. If they discover that your wisdom teeth are growing in at an angle or that they are likely to crowd your other teeth, they’ll probably recommend that you get your wisdom teeth removed.

If possible, you should try to have your wisdom teeth removed before age 20. That way, the roots of the tooth are unlikely to have formed, which will make the teeth much easier to extract and likely shorten your recovery time.

When you think it might be time to have your wisdom teeth looked at, contact StarWhite Dental. We’ll make sure you get the dental help you need.

Dental Implants

A Dental implant is a tooth made of a titanium post with a replacement tooth (crown) attached to the top. Dental implants can replace a single tooth, several teeth, anchor a dental bridge, or a full arch of teeth.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you’ve been told that you need to have one or more of your wisdom teeth removed by our dentist, you may be wondering, especially if you are not currently experiencing any painful symptoms. So, if you want your wisdom teeth removal visit StarWhite Dental.